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It’s around this time of year that many people start to talk about getting ‘beach body ready’. Essentially, what they’re often referring to is the desire to lose any excess weight in a bid to looker slimmer and more toned in time for summer, because it’s hard to disguise lumps and bumps in swimwear! Of […]
The health benefits of hiking in the great outdoors are numerous. It’s a fantastic form of physical exercise, a dose of vitamin D from the sun is great for bones, teeth and muscles, and immersing yourself in nature can do wonders for your mental wellbeing too. However, there are of course certain dangers to be […]
Parents worry about their children – it’s all part of the job! But having a child diagnosed with a condition that can cause breathing difficulties can take that worry to a new level. So, the healthcare experts at YourGP are here to answer some of your most common questions about asthma to help put your […]
Many people spend their working lives daydreaming about retirement – a time for them to finally put up their feet and enjoy a hard-earned rest! But whilst it’s a good idea to take life at a more leisurely pace during these later years, it’s certainly no time for stopping still! Staying active so important if […]
How much do you know about gonorrhoea? Could you spot the symptoms? Would you know what to do if you contracted it? If you’re in need of a bit of a refresher, you’re not the only one because figures just released from Public Health Scotland (PHS) show that cases of gonorrhoea are surging in Scotland. […]
They say ‘You are what you eat’, but how true is this and does it tell the full story? We sit down with YourGP’s Dr Phimister and sink our teeth into the subject of eating for health. Read on as he talks superfoods, reveals why his family laugh at his cooking, and serves up some […]