Appointment Request
You can use this form to request an appointment.
Once received, we will check the form details and confirm appointment times with you.
We cannot guarantee an appointment without confirmation.
New Patient Registration
If you would like to register as a patient with YourGP, please fill in your details below and one of our team will be in touch.
Healthcare, right when you need it.
Private GP services and occupational healthcare in Edinburgh, UK.
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In the mood for love this Valentine’s Day, or just not feeling it? We all have differing sex drives, but if you’re finding your libido is lower than normal and it’s causing you some concern, speak to the health experts at YourGP. Not just because we believe everyone deserves a happy and healthy sex life, […]
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. For many of you, this means making an extra effort so you can enjoy a special evening with your loved one. From selecting the right outfit to picking out a new perfume, it’s the little things that can make a big difference to how you look and feel […]
I just want to thank you for listening to me. When you are visiting the UK it can be worrying when you are unwell. You put me at ease and gave me the medical attention I needed.