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    Private GP Services & Occupational Healthcare in Edinburgh, UK.

    How to promote nutrition in the workplace

    How to promote nutrition in the workplace

    Posted on February 25th, 2020

    When those mid-morning hunger pangs hit, it’s often tempting to grab a coffee and cake to keep you going until lunchtime, especially if it’s been a stressful morning at work and you’re in need of a pick-me-up! But whilst you might enjoy the initial caffeine and sugar-fuelled energy boost, sooner or later will come the slump.

    As an employer, it’s important to recognise the impact a poor diet can have on your employees’ health. Increased stress, anxiety and sickness levels can all have a negative effect on their work performance, so it makes sense to create a working environment that encourages healthy choices. We therefore asked YourGP’s team of Occupational Healthcare specialists for their top suggestions on how to promote nutrition in the workplace.

    Ensure your breakfast meeting sets a good example for the day ahead

    It’s important you get your working day off to the best start so perhaps opting for coffee and pastries isn’t the best idea. Instead, consider choosing from a selection of porridge, granola, cereals, yoghurt and fresh fruit. The slow-release energy should keep you going until lunchtime and help curb those cravings for snacks in between meals.

    Update your vending machines

    Having unlimited access to chocolate bars, fizzy drinks and other sugary treats may be too tempting for many, so why not ditch the unhealthy snacks and instead fill your vending machines with healthy alternatives. Things such as nuts, seeds, granola bars, rice cakes, dried fruit and non-carbonated fruit juice are much more nutritious options.

    Stock your staff room with fresh fruit

    Help your staff get their five a day by supplying fresh fruit and displaying it somewhere accessible for everyone to help themselves to.

    Go caffeine-free with a herbal tea

    Avoid the caffeine highs and lows that come from drinking coffee throughout the day by ensuring your cupboards contain plenty of caffeine-free herbal tea alternatives.

    Call in the (healthy) caterers

    When it comes to catering there is more choice than ever, so next time you’re organising a meeting or staff training day, switch up the usual sandwiches and cake combination for freshly prepared, healthy salads delivered right to your office door.

    Remember, it’s not just what you eat, but how you eat it

    When the clock strikes lunchtime, encourage your team members to step away from their desks and take time to enjoy their food without the distraction of emails. Being mindful of what, how and when they’re eating will make it much easier for staff to maintain their healthy eating habits, both in and out of the office.

    If you’d like to find out how YourGP’s Occupational Healthcare professionals could help you improve the health of your workplace, call 0131 225 5656 or email

    All my needs, including requests for appointments and treatment enquiries, were met with enthusiasm and sense of wanting to help. No question seemed inappropriate or trivial.

    Mr Ross

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