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According to the Fawcett Society, one in ten women who worked whilst going through the menopause left their job due to their symptoms. That’s a considerable number of women, and no doubt their decision to leave had a massive impact on their workplace, not to mention the huge effect it must have had on them personally.
Given the figures, it’s clear that something needs to change. Menopausal women need greater support in the workplace. Thankfully, the British Standards Institution (BSI) has just published a workplace standard to tackle the taboo surrounding the menopause and to help employers keep women in work. Read on as the Occupational Healthcare experts at YourGP discuss why attitudes to ‘the change’ need to change.
Before an employer is able to implement any positive changes in the workplace, it is essential that they fully understand what their menopausal team members are experiencing.
The menopause is when a woman’s periods stop. This usually happens around the age of 51 but everyone is different and some women can enter menopause much earlier or much later than this.
The lead-up to the menopause is known as the perimenopause stage, when hormone levels begin to fluctuate and periods become irregular.
As a woman’s oestrogen levels decrease, the ovaries produce fewer and fewer eggs until the woman is no longer able to reproduce.
Every woman has their own individual experience of the menopause – some will experience all the symptoms below, whilst others will experience one or two:
For some women, starting HRT can make all the difference to how they feel. It’s always best to speak to a trusted healthcare expert when deciding the best route for you. However, there are things you can incorporate into your daily life that can help too:
Employers are required to make reasonable adjustments to protect the health and wellbeing of their team, and there’s no reason why the menopause shouldn’t be included in such policies.
Suggestions put forward by the BSI include:
If you would like more advice on how your workplace can better support employees going through the menopause, speak to the Occupational Healthcare team at YourGP. We can also arrange regular on-site visits, should any of your team wish to speak to us in full confidence about their personal menopause experiences. Simply call 0131 225 5656 or email and we’ll be happy to arrange an appointment at a time that suits you.
Needed to arrange an offshore medical fairly quickly and they fitted me in the same day. The entire experience from initial enquiry to consultation was first class! I would highly recommend YourGP in Edinburgh to anyone looking for superb service and professional healthcare. I will certainly be using them from now on.