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      Private GP Services & Occupational Healthcare in Edinburgh, UK.

      Look out for your colleagues this Christmas

      Look out for your colleagues this Christmas

      Posted on November 23rd, 2022

      Christmas is just around the corner and whilst for many employees this can mean office parties, Secret Santa gift exchanges and perhaps even a welcome Christmas bonus, for others it can be a particularly difficult time of the year.

      Read on as the Occupational Health experts at YourGP explain why it’s important to prioritise mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, and reveal the warning signs we should all look out for.

      Feeling festive or feeling low?
      This time of year comes with much excitement but for some people it brings stress and anxiety. The shorter, darker days can impact on an individual’s mental well-being, especially those diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Add to this any money worries, relationship struggles or family tension which are often heightened in the build up the big day, and it’s clear why employers should put extra focus on safeguarding mental health and well-being in the workplace in the lead up to Christmas.

      Look out for the warning signs
      It is important to look out for any changes in behaviour amongst employees. Whilst a decline in mental health can manifest itself in many different ways, classic warning signs can include:

      • Acting out of character: Is an employee who was typically enthusiastic and passionate about their role now lacking motivation? Are they making lots of mistakes or reacting unexpectedly to set-backs?
      • Decreasing productivity: Are they missing deadlines or not completing tasks?
      • Withdrawing from social situations: Has the way they interact with colleagues changed?
      • Increasing absence: Are they calling in sick more frequently?
      • Increasing anxiety: Do they seem overwhelmed by tasks they would previously have taken in their stride?
      • Increasing tiredness: Do they have less energy than usual? Do they appear to be having difficulty getting a good night’s sleep?
      • Suspected alcohol or substance misuse: Are they coming to work hungover, smelling of alcohol, or under the influence?

      Take immediate action
      We all face difficulties in life, but having someone recognise these warning signs and step in to offer help and support can make a huge difference in terms of getting one’s mental health back on track. Employers can provide help in many ways:

      • Create a culture where employees know you are available to talk openly about any mental health issues. Encourage everyone to look out for each other. And lead by example by talking frankly about your own struggles.
      • Have regular one-to-one catch ups with employees to create ample opportunity to discuss any personal problems as soon as they arise and before a mental health issue escalates.
      • Reassure employees that all conversations about personal issues will be strictly confidential.
      • Whatever the problem, be non-judgemental, show compassion and empathy.
      • If possible, make reasonable adjustments in the workplace to aid their recovery. Changes could include offering more flexible working hours, a remote working option, or switching to work on a different project.

      Invest in the mental well-being of your team
      YourGP can tailor a variety of Occupational Healthcare packages to suit your workplace. Our Corporate Onsite Clinic, for example, enables your employees to access quality healthcare at a convenient time. That means they can speak to a medical professional about any mental health issues and get help and support right when they need it. To find out more, call 0131 225 5656 or email and we’ll be happy to help your team this Christmas and beyond.


      1. Switch off this Christmas
      2. Is it time to ditch the office Christmas party?

      Halfway round the world from home (Australia) and really needed a GP. YourGP provided excellent prompt service. Made a call at 10.15am and was seen by a very caring doctor at 11.30am. Great ambassadors for Edinburgh.

      Trish M

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