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If you would like to register as a patient with YourGP, please fill in your details below and one of our team will be in touch.
Christmas is a time of peace and joy, but for anyone feeling the pressure of a seemingly endless to-do list of shopping, cooking and entertaining, the holiday season can be more stressful than peaceful and joyful. Here, the health experts at YourGP address 12 potentially triggering stresses of Christmas, they reveal the tell-tale signs of stress to look out for, and advise what to do if the festivities all feel a bit too much to handle.
12 key pressures of the festive season
How to recognise the signs of stress
Everyone is different and stress can manifest itself in many different ways, including:
Why it is important to address stress
We all get stressed from time to time, but prolonged stress can have a detrimental effect on your health. It can suppress your immune system, upset your digestive system, affect menstrual patterns, lead to depression, and increase the risk of a heart attack and stroke.
Feeling stressed? It’s time to talk
The best way to deal with stress, at Christmas or at any time of year, is to speak to someone. Confide in someone you trust – a friend or relative – and speak openly about how you’re feeling. If possible, delegate tasks to others so you don’t feel so overwhelmed.
If your feelings of stress are too much, speak to YourGP. Simply email or call us on 0131 225 5656. We are open six days a week, with short-notice appointments available so we can listen, understand, treat and support you this Christmas.
Your customer care which is extremely friendly, relaxed and professional has made all my visits easy and comfortable. Many thanks for your care and understanding in what for me was a difficult time.