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      Private GP Services & Occupational Healthcare in Edinburgh, UK.

      Think pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

      Think pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

      Posted on October 6th, 2020

      The ongoing coronavirus crisis may have temporarily stopped many things, but fundraisers at the research and care charity, Breast Cancer Now, are adamant it won’t stop their annual campaign to raise awareness and vital funds for the essential work they do.

      October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Friday 23rd October is officially Wear it Pink Day when communities, pupils and colleagues from right across the UK will don their brightest, pinkest outfits to show their support. This year there is even more reason to get involved.

      Due to the pandemic, there are sadly delays to NHS invitations and follow-up appointments for breast cancer screening. Recruitment to many clinical trials was paused and a large number of patients have experienced delays and even cancellation of treatment. This has, without a doubt, caused a great deal of anxiety for all involved.

      What can we do to help?

      Raising awareness of breast cancer and educating people about the early warning signs is so important because the earlier breast cancer is detected and diagnosed, the better the chance of successful treatment.

      You can help to raise awareness by joining thousands of others who will ‘Wear it Pink’ this month. Simply sign up at, wear something pink, and help raise funds for life-changing breast cancer research and care.

      Of course, there’s one other extremely important thing you can do, not just during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and that is to check your breasts regularly and talk to a GP right away if you notice any changes.

      Potential signs of breast cancer to look out for

      • A lump or swelling in the breast, upper chest or armpit
      • A change to the skin, such as puckering or dimpling
      • A change in colour
      • A change to the nipple, for example if it becomes inverted
      • A rash or crusting around the nipple
      • Unusual discharge from the nipple
      • A change in size or shape of the breast

      It must be emphasised that the signs listed above do not necessarily mean you have breast cancer, but it is still important to speak with your GP immediately.

      How to check your breasts

      Checking your breasts only takes a few minutes and could potentially save your life. Remember to check the whole breast area, including your upper chest and armpits, and do it regularly so you can spot any changes as soon as possible.

      A little TLC is all it takes

      Checking your breasts is as simple as TLC, Touch Look Check:

      • Touch: Can you feel any lumps, bumps or puckering for example?
      • Look: Stand in front of a mirror and look carefully for any changes.
      • Check: If you notice any changes, make an appointment with a GP right away to carry out a thorough check.

      If you have any concerns about your breasts, you can book an appointment at YourGP by calling 0131 225 5656.

      Think pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

      My medical was conducted in detail and I had a thorough check. The doctor listened to me and gave me some extra tips that are helpful. Most impressed.

      Chris B

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