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They say a problem shared is a problem halved. And indeed, when it comes to any kind of health concern, it is always best to speak to a medical professional as soon as possible so that the appropriate care can be provided. Read on as we explain why we at YourGP believe a face-to-face GP […]
No doubt you’ve seen the headlines regarding the recent tragic deaths of several children as a result of contracting Strep A. Understandably, parents and carers are worried. To help alleviate any anxiety, the healthcare experts are here to answer your most common questions about the infection and explain what symptoms you should look out for. […]
Christmas is a time of peace and joy, but for anyone feeling the pressure of a seemingly endless to-do list of shopping, cooking and entertaining, the holiday season can be more stressful than peaceful and joyful. Here, the health experts at YourGP address 12 potentially triggering stresses of Christmas, they reveal the tell-tale signs of […]
It is often said that to dress for the weather in Scotland requires preparing for four seasons all in one day. And whilst the climate is often unpredictable, one thing that is certain is that we in Scotland could all do with a little more sunshine! Not only can enjoying some time in the sun […]
Time is precious, and that is especially true when it comes to responding to someone experiencing a stroke. The quicker that person receives help, the greater chance they have of making a recovery. We at YourGP therefore believe it is vitally important to raise awareness of the symptoms of a stroke so that as many […]
As summer comes to an end, it’s time to look ahead to autumn and winter. Whilst many of us look forward to the changing seasons and revel in the rich variety of colours in nature and the prospect of cosying indoors, there is one definite downside to this time of year and that is flu. […]