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      Private GP Services & Occupational Healthcare in Edinburgh, UK.

      What you gain when you lose excess weight

      What you gain when you lose excess weight

      Posted on May 25th, 2023

      It’s around this time of year that many people start to talk about getting ‘beach body ready’. Essentially, what they’re often referring to is the desire to lose any excess weight in a bid to looker slimmer and more toned in time for summer, because it’s hard to disguise lumps and bumps in swimwear!

      Of course, we all come in different shapes and sizes. Someone may be naturally larger, heavier or curvier than others due to their genetics, yet still be perfectly fit and healthy. And our weight can change throughout our lives dependent on a variety of factors including medication, hormones and metabolism.

      But if someone is unhappy about carrying excess weight and wants to lose a few pounds to give themself a confidence boost ahead of a holiday – that’s no bad thing. Crucially, however, the key thing to remember is that the weight should be lost in a way that is sensible and healthy.

      So, we’re here to help you do just that. Read on as the health experts at YourGP discuss the best ways to lose excess weight, and reveal the many potential benefits of doing so.

      Rule number one

      Before embarking on any kind of weight loss journey, it is important to speak to your GP to ensure it is safe to do so. If you’re planning a drastic diet change or a dramatic new fitness routine, a GP will consider your medical history and current condition to assess whether or not it is safe to proceed.

      The key to successful weight loss

      Forget quick fix fads and crash diets – these can be difficult to maintain, and in extreme cases can be damaging to your health. The best way to lose weight is quite simply to eat better and move more:

      • Cut it out: Cut down your portion sizes and switch up fatty, sugary and salty processed foods for plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and fibre. Cut out alcohol and fizzy drinks, and instead aim to drink at least 2l of water per day.
      • Keep active: Take the stairs instead of the lift, get off the bus a few stops earlier and walk to your destination, get up from behind your desk and take a brisk walk during your lunch break – all these things add up if you incorporate them into your daily routine. In total, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day.

      Related: Embrace Walk to Work Day

      And finally, be realistic in your goals. Don’t be disheartened if it takes a while for the scales to reflect all of your hard work. Celebrate every milestone and remember that every healthy choice you make will benefit you in the long-run.

      The benefits of losing excess weight

      Losing excess weight isn’t just about giving yourself a confidence boost when you look in the mirror – it can also have significant health benefits too:

      1. Improve your heart health: It can help to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, and reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes.
      2. Improve your sleep: Losing excess weight can reduce your chances of sleep apnoea – the result of fatty deposits in the neck area obstructing your airways, interfering with your breathing and affecting sleep quality. Losing excess weight can not only improve your sleep quality, but can also result in you feeling more energised throughout the day too.
      3. Improve your mobility: Less body weight means less pressure on your knees and joints, therefore reducing pain and increasing mobility.
      4. Reduce your risk of some cancers: Studies have shown the risk of certain cancers such as breast, colon, endometrial, kidney, liver, pancreatic and thyroid cancer can all be lowered when the visceral fat around organs is reduced.
      5. Reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes: This condition occurs when your body doesn’t respond to insulin correctly. As a result, your blood glucose levels increase and you become even more resistant to insulin. Losing weight can effectively improve insulin resistance and lower blood glucose levels.
      6. Improve your sex-drive: There is much evidence to suggest that a loss in excess weight can result in an increase in libido for both males and females.
      7. Improve your self-esteem and mental health: Regular exercise and nourishing food can have a positive effect on an individual’s mental health. It is a great form of self-care and can often inspire other positive changes within a person’s life.

      If you need a little extra help

      The advice to eat better and move more is simple, but for many people the reality can be much harder. If you have tried improving your diet and increasing your exercise to lose excess weight and you’re still not happy with your progress, there may be other options to consider.

      The highly qualified medical professionals at YourGP are available to discuss the right route for you – whether that be medication or an alternative. Simply book an appointment using our online booking form, email, or call us on 0131 225 5656 and we’ll be happy to arrange an appointment at a time that suits you.

      Your customer care which is extremely friendly, relaxed and professional has made all my visits easy and comfortable. Many thanks for your care and understanding in what for me was a difficult time.


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