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In our previous blog post, we let you know about our new specialist children’s clinic in YourGP led by paediatric specialist GP, Dr Jo McCrone.
Dr McCrone has worked part time at YourGP since July 2010, alongside her NHS employment.
Born and brought up in Edinburgh, she graduated as a doctor in 1997 from The University of Edinburgh, and has since worked in the NHS throughout Edinburgh and Fife.
As she explains, she particularly enjoyed her hours within the A&E department of Edinburgh’s Royal Hospital for Sick Children.
“I’ve worked on and off, for the past 16 years, as an A&E doctor at ‘the Sick Kids’.
“It has given me a real good, all-round experience of working with children who are experiencing a variety of problems and illnesses.
“I have seen and treated a wide variety of conditions I might not have otherwise experienced.
“I have also developed strong relationships with many doctors in secondary care, through frequently speaking to them about patients, therefore getting to know their specialties and how to effectively make contact with them.”
As well as the experience of working at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Dr McCrone has recently finished a paediatric scholarship.
She explains: “I spent a year attending teaching days and paediatric seminars. I also spent extensive time in hospital and with consultants gaining valuable experience.
“It was great having the opportunity to establish relationships with consultants, but also seeing what happens at the next stage for the children.
“The scholarship gave me the knowledge and security that enables me to deal with more children’s issues on my own, rather than always referring them to secondary care as my first step.”
Unlike other GPs in Edinburgh and across Scotland, one of the services Dr McCrone can offer in clinic is to take children’s blood tests.
Generally, the results are back within 48 hours. It is also convenient for busy and working parents at YourGP as this can be done at the weekend, including Sundays.
To request an appointment with Dr McCrone, call us 0131 225 5656, email or use our booking form.
You can find out more about Dr McCrone and the rest of the YourGP team by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Just a massive thank you for being so willing to help us out. I was kept up to date in all email communication between the two clinics which I found very reassuring. I honestly can not emphasize enough how grateful we both are that the clinic was able to help us out with the Zita West fertility tests. We really did not know what we were going to do after the mix up with the blood collection dates due to the 4th of July in America and really thought we would have to give up on these tests so it means a massive amount to us that we have been able to proceed with them because of your willingness to help us out. Thank you again.