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If a team member were to injure themselves in the workplace, employers should be confident their staff would know where to find a first aid kit, who they should inform, or who they should call for medical assistance or emergency help. But if one of your team members was having a mental health crisis at work, would your staff know how to help? If you’re unsure how they would handle such a situation, it’s time to seriously consider appointing a mental health first aider. Read on as the Occupational Health experts at YourGP explain why…
Modern workplaces can be stressful places. Deadlines, responsibilities, targets and workloads can weigh heavy on employees’ shoulders if not carefully managed. Other potential stressors may include:
There has been a positive shift in recent years with more and more businesses understanding that protecting the mental health of staff is just as important as safeguarding their physical wellbeing. There are also many examples of businesses that are actively fostering a culture of openness and inclusion when it comes to mental health. However, more needs to be done.
One way that businesses can show their commitment to promoting positive mental health is by appointing a mental health first aider. By doing so, they can ensure all staff have a better understanding of mental health issues, they can be confident that they can provide vital help if and when necessary, and they can help to avoid any mental health issues escalating as a result of not being properly addressed.
As a result, staff can feel safer and more valued, knowing that their employer is investing in their health and wellbeing.
A mental health first aider can be any member of the team who has undergone training and acts as the first point of contact for anyone who needs to discuss a mental health issue. Examples of their responsibility could include:
The Occupational Health team at YourGP can provide bespoke packages to suit your business needs, supporting your in-house mental health first aider. And we can also provide regular on-site clinics if your staff would prefer to speak to one of our medical professionals about any mental health concerns.
To find out more, contact our Occupational Health team on 0131 225 5656 or email and we will be happy to discuss ways you can proactively safeguard the mental health and wellbeing of your team.
Related: Mental health in the workplace
The facilities and patient service are second to none. The treatment I received for my eczema was innovative, holistic and most importantly highly effective. My skin has responded to the treatment I was prescribed. I am delighted with the resultant, significant reduction in my symptoms. I was impressed by the caring, sensitive and professional treatment I received. This was in stark contrast to my experience at my usual GP and at private consultations with supposedly eminent and specialist dermatologists. Thank you.