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It’s only natural that when winter approaches, many of us feel like hiding away indoors and hibernating. For many people, as the sunshine disappears, so too does their energy. However, as the health experts at YourGP explain, you don’t have to endure months of ‘winter tiredness’. Instead, you can take a simple test to find out if a vitamin deficiency is causing your seasonal sluggishness, then take proactive steps to boost your energy.
Tiredness is one of the most common and obvious signs of a vitamin deficiency. Your body requires a whole range of vitamin and minerals to function at its best, and you can usually meet all of these needs by eating a varied and balanced diet. Vitamin D, however, is a little different.
Vitamin D is essential for the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It is also important for regulating inflammation and immune function. During the spring and summer, most people should be able to get all the vitamin D they need from the sun. However, during the autumn and winter, the strength of the sun in Scotland is not sufficient to allow the body to make enough vitamin D. This can potentially lead to a variety of health problems including muscle weakness, joint stiffness, bone pain and fatigue.
Vitamin D is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies in the UK, as is a lack of vitamin B6 and B12, and folic acid. These deficiencies can undermine your health by making you more prone to illness and other medical problems. Common symptoms of these vitamin deficiencies include:
If you are currently experiencing these symptoms and you suspect a vitamin deficiency could be the cause, the good news is that it is easy to find out. YourGP offers a simple blood test to assess the levels of key vitamins and minerals in the body.
Make your appointment using our easy to use online booking system, or you can email or call us on 0131 225 5656.
When you visit us, the doctor will discuss your lifestyle and take a medical history. We’ll take a blood sample and ensure you get the results as soon as possible. If appropriate, we will also arrange a follow up appointment to discuss any areas of concern arising from the results. We will advise on any necessary dietary changes you should make, and if you need a vitamin supplement, we will provide you with a prescription and advice.
When Lyn booked me with Dr McFarlane and said ‘what he doesn’t know about sexual health isn’t worth knowing’ she was right. Thorough assessment, quick test and immediate treatment all in a relaxed, professional manner – Excellent!