Appointment Request
You can use this form to request an appointment.
Once received, we will check the form details and confirm appointment times with you.
We cannot guarantee an appointment without confirmation.
New Patient Registration
If you would like to register as a patient with YourGP, please fill in your details below and one of our team will be in touch.
We all know that major life events such as changing jobs or moving house can be stressful. But how many of us are truly aware of the effect of the little everyday hassles and worries on our health? Panicking because you’ve overslept for work, feeling frustrated being stuck in traffic, nervously spilling your coffee across your desk, angry that you’ve ruined your keyboard…! These seemingly small stresses can all add up. So here are a few subtle signs of stress we all need to look out for:
The odd symptom is usually no cause for concern, but if you find yourself repeatedly displaying several of the signs above, it’s best to speak to a healthcare professional. Similarly, if a friend, family member or work colleague is showing signs of stress, don’t be afraid to reach out and offer help. It could be just what they need to avoid developing longer-term health issues.
If you’d like to speak to a GP in confidence about finding effective ways to cope with stress, email or call 0131 225 5656 and book an appointment at a time that suits you. We’ll give you all the time you need with relaxed, no-rush consultation and treatment sessions.
Halfway round the world from home (Australia) and really needed a GP. YourGP provided excellent prompt service. Made a call at 10.15am and was seen by a very caring doctor at 11.30am. Great ambassadors for Edinburgh.