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At YourGP, we believe every employee should feel safe and protected at work. And that is why our Occupational Health team works with businesses across Edinburgh and beyond providing guidance and support on how to make a range of reasonable adjustments designed to have a positive impact on working environments. On 28th April, we’re encouraging as many of those businesses as possible to mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work. Read on to discover why…
The beginnings of World Day for Safety and Health at Work
World Day for Safety and Health at Work is observed annually on 28th April to encourage the prevention of workplace accidents and diseases around the world. The day was created by the International Labour Organization (ILO), a tripartite UN agency that brings together government, employer and worker representatives from 187 Member States to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes to promote decent work for all women and men – because “a safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle and right at work”.
Who should observe World Day for Safety and Health at Work?
We all have a part to play. Governments, public health bodies, employers, workers… this day is a day for everyone to come together to ensure all workplaces are fully protect safeguarded.
Topics for discussion
The first step towards achieving a safe, happy and healthy working environment is to foster a culture of inclusion where open dialogue is actively encouraged.
Do your team members…
Discussions based on these questions can help to create a happier, more productive and fulfilling working environment, enabling individuals and businesses to flourish. It can even help to reduce the number of work-related injuries and deaths.
How YourGP can help your business
The Occupational Health team at YourGP can work with you to ensure the health and wellbeing of your employees is prioritised and protected as it should be. We can carry out appropriate assessments of employees and provide professional input, enabling you to make informed management decisions.
To find out more, call 0131 225 5656 or email and we’ll be happy to arrange an appointment at a time that suits you.
I needed a quick appointment as I was leaving for America. The doctor listened and allayed any concerns. It was a pleasure to talk to a doctor who wasn’t watching the clock and not paying attention to me. I left confident that if a problem arose I would be able to deal with it until I arrived home. The experience left me feeling confident and positive.