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    Private GP Services & Occupational Healthcare in Edinburgh, UK.

    Why being a ‘doctor dodger’ could cost you your health

    Why being a ‘doctor dodger’ could cost you your health

    Posted on January 24th, 2024

    28% of Britons have recently experienced a medical issue that they thought was significant enough to warrant a GP’s attention, but which they did not speak to a GP about. This worrying statistic was highlighted in a recent survey conducted by YouGov and it begs the question – are we in danger of becoming a nation of ‘doctor dodgers’?

    The results

    The survey looked at 585 Britons who had experienced a health concern within the last six months. Each one was asked to give a reason for not making an appointment with their GP. The results were eye-opening, to say the least…

    • 31% – I could not get through to my GP’s surgery and gave up trying
    • 29% – I hoped the problem would go away on its own
    • 21% – I could not get a timely enough appointment
    • 20% – I didn’t try because I did not expect to be able to get an appointment
    • 15% – I did not want to bother a GP with my problems
    • 15% – I did not want to put pressure on the NHS
    • 11% – I could not get an appointment to fit around my working hours
    • 10% – I tried to get an appointment but was told my problem did not require a GP’s attention
    • 2% – I had no way of getting to my GP’s surgery
    • 1% – I am not registered with a GP

    What are the consequences of putting off a visit to your GP?

    What’s even more worrying, is that for 16% of those who thought they needed to see a GP but didn’t, their condition worsened a month later.

    When it comes to medical issues of any nature, it is always best to be seen as soon as possible. Listen to your body – even if it’s just a niggling feeling that something isn’t quite right, don’t be a ‘doctor dodger’, get it checked out. It could be absolutely nothing – in which case you can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing for certain. Or it could be something that requires further attention – in which case early detection could give you the best chance of making a full and quick recovery.

    What sets YourGP apart

    YourGP was founded in 2003 to provide affordable, friendly, local GP services. Today, we have two practices in Edinburgh providing expert healthcare right when you need it. We’re proud of the fact that we do things differently:

    • We make it as easy as possible for you to book appointments. You can book via our simple online booking system, or you can email Alternatively, you call us on 0131 225 5656, or arrange a call back via our website.
    • We are open 6 days a week so you can book an appointment that fits in with your schedule.
    • We offer same-day appointments so you can be seen fast.
    • You don’t have to be registered at either of our practices to be seen by one of our GPs.
    • We offer home visits if you are unable to attend either of our practices in person.
    • We pride ourselves on our friendly, open, welcoming and empathetic approach to all we do. We will never make you feel like you are wasting our time. No matter how small the medical issue, if it is bothering you in any way, we will always take it seriously and give you the help and support you need.


    I needed a quick appointment as I was leaving for America. The doctor listened and allayed any concerns. It was a pleasure to talk to a doctor who wasn’t watching the clock and not paying attention to me. I left confident that if a problem arose I would be able to deal with it until I arrived home. The experience left me feeling confident and positive.

    Roseann Y

    YourGP is regulated by Healthcare Improvement Scotland – the regulator for independent healthcare services across Scotland. Healthcare Improvement Scotland accepts complaints at any time. Contact them at:

    Independent Healthcare Team
    Gyle Square | 1 South Gyle Crescent | Edinburgh | EH12 9EB
    0131 623 4342 |

    YourGP is registered with the Joint Council of Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP) Registered Office: Station Road, North Street, Havant PO9 1QU.