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      Private GP Services & Occupational Healthcare in Edinburgh, UK.

      Vaccinations take the stress out of travel

      Vaccinations take the stress out of travel

      Posted on May 16th, 2018

      There’s few more rewarding experiences than exploring the world and going travelling, whether for a few weeks or a few months. But preparing to visit the four corners of the earth is about so much more than packing the right flip flops; if you’re planning for serious travel you need to ensure you’re protected from illness found in other parts of the world with the right travel vaccinations.

      The best time to start preparing is eight weeks before you’re due to travel – some vaccinations require multiple jabs and are best administered over a course of several, while others can happen just 10 days before you’re due to leave home.

      Getting the right vaccinations

      Where you’re going and when you’re travelling impacts whether or not you’ll need a vaccination before you go.

      In general, if you’re going to North America, northern and central Europe or Australia there’s no need for any special vaccinations, but if you’re heading to Central or South America, Sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia you may need to get some additional vaccinations to protect yourself from diseases present in other parts of the world.

      The longer you stay in an area, the greater your risk of being exposed, and the risk is higher in rural areas compared to urban ones. You can find advice about what you need in advance from the NHS Fit For Travel website, or book an appointment in our travel clinic where we can help.

      A diphtheria, polio and tetanus booster along with typhoid, hepatitis A and cholera vaccinations are among the most popular jabs ahead of any international travel and are usually available through the NHS.

      Other vaccinations are only available privately but are still worthwhile getting if you travel to certain destinations. Hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis and tick-borne encephalitis, meningitis, rabies, TB and Yellow fever are among the most common.

      Several countries require proof that you’ve had your vaccinations at least 10 days before arriving – check any international requirements and make sure you have the proper paperwork so you don’t get turned away at customs.

      Visit the travel clinic

      YourGP offers a comprehensive vaccination service to give you the jabs you need before your next adventure.

      First, we provide a consultation to discuss if your jabs are up to date and what you might need based on your travel plans; we’ll advise you on the latest guidance in relation to the vaccinations you need.

      Because we keep many vaccinations on site, we also offer short notice and same day appointments if need be. We’re a registered Yellow Fever centre too, so you don’t have to travel far to get the specialist vaccinations you need before your next holiday.

      To make an appointment, use our online booking form, call us on 0131 225 5656 or email our reception team at

      To keep up-to-date with the latest news on our GP or occupational health service, make sure you like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

      I’d like to thank everyone for their friendly professional attitudes and service. It made what was an anxious time for me much easier to cope with


      YourGP is regulated by Healthcare Improvement Scotland – the regulator for independent healthcare services across Scotland. Healthcare Improvement Scotland accepts complaints at any time. Contact them at:

      Independent Healthcare Team
      Gyle Square | 1 South Gyle Crescent | Edinburgh | EH12 9EB

      YourGP is registered with the Joint Council of Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP) Registered Office: Station Road, North Street, Havant PO9 1QU.