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      Private GP Services & Occupational Healthcare in Edinburgh, UK.

      Top 10 autumn and winter nutrition tips

      Nutritional therapy

      Posted on October 30th, 2014

      In our latest blog post, fully trained nutritional therapist, Anne Cross, who offers nutritional therapy at YourGP, gives you her top 10 nutrition tips to nourish your mind, body and soul through the cold, dark winter months.

      These easy-to-follow nutrition tips will help you boost your circulation, immune system, energy and wellbeing.

      1. Avoid a lot of cold, heavy foods during autumn and winter. Think warming food such as casseroles, stews, soups and curries, with meat, fish, beans or lentils and plenty of vegetables.
      2. The colder months can make our hair, lips and face feel dry, so eat foods rich in moisture such as porridge, soups and stews to replenish lost fluids.
      3. Try to eat some seasonal food, such as parsnips, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, beetroot and carrots. Seasonal food is fresher, has more nutrition, helps us keep in harmony with the environment and promotes our wellbeing.
      4. Use some warming herbs and spices in your teas and cooking which can boost circulation. For example, try ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg or cloves.
      5. Boost your immune system (which helps defend you against viruses, bugs and toxins) by eating food rich in vitamins and minerals, such as lean meat, seafood, fish, eggs, beans and lentils.
      6. Stewed apples and pears are delicious and warming; perfect for this time of year. Add with some cinnamon to porridge or yoghurt for a nutritious breakfast treat.
      7. Reishi, oyster and shiitake mushrooms have antiviral and antibacterial properties, and are rich in protein, potassium, calcium, magnesium and B vitamins. Try fresh or dried in soups and casseroles.
      8. Boost your immune system by eating foods such as avocados, blueberries, chillies, citrus fruits, dark chocolate, fish and shellfish.
      9. Use supplements that can help boost energy, immunity and wellbeing including gingseng, Vitamin C, Echinacea, Omega 3 fats, Vitamin D , elderberry, probiotics and zinc.
      10. Try to reduce sugary foods and drinks, alcohol, and processed and junk foods, which can deplete energy and our immunity.

      If you want more nutritional advice, or want to know how food can prevent a range of diseases and help optimise your overall health and wellbeing, book a nutritional therapy consultation.

      To book your consultation, call us on 0131 225 5656, email or use our booking form.

      If you have any other autumn or winter nutrition tips that you would like to share with us, leave a comment below or get in touch on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

      I went in for an allergy shot and was thoroughly pleased with the practice from start to finish. They informed me with the all the necessary details and potential side effects (which thankfully I didn’t have). The level of professionalism is felt from the time you enter all the way through the end of your appointment! Thank you! See you next year!

      Yulie L

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