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    Private GP Services & Occupational Healthcare in Edinburgh, UK.

    The benefits of running and how to push yourself further

    The benefits of running and how to push yourself further

    Posted on March 20th, 2024

    For many people, running can be a great way to ‘switch off’ from everyday worries. Others enjoy the social aspect of coming together on a Saturday morning for a Park Run in their local community. And for some, the personal challenge and sense of accomplishment after completing their first 10k, half marathon or full marathon is nothing short of euphoric!

    Countless studies have shown running is a great way to stay fit and healthy, reduce your risk of various diseases, help you recover from illness quicker, and improve bone mineral density to reduce the risk of fractures. It’s also a great way to keep your mind sharp, reduce stress and boost your mental health.

    Plus, according to a recent study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, running for as little as 75 minutes per week can add an extra 12 years to the length of your life!

    So whether you’re a complete beginner taking your first tentative jogging steps, or you’ve already got a few fun runs under you belt and you now want to push yourself further, read on for some top running tips from the medical professionals at YourGP.

    Top tips for better runs

    1. Wear the right shoes: Inappropriate footwear can lead to all sorts of problems – from blisters and ingrowing toenails to plantar fascia and tendonitis – so make sure you invest in a pair of quality trainers that provide the right support and cushioning.
    2. Fuel up: Running burns calories fast, so make sure you’re eating the right foods to fuel your run. A mix of carbohydrates and protein will give you the energy boost you need, so opt for things such as poached eggs on wholegrain toast, Greek yoghurt and granola, or peanut butter and banana bagels.
    3. Stay hydrated: Running is a fantastic cardio workout so be prepared to sweat! Ensure you are well hydrated before setting off and bring a hydration pack or waist belt to carry water on any long runs to keep your fluid levels topped up.
    4. Build up gradually: It’s good to push yourself but don’t over-do things! It is important to increase your distance slowly and gradually to build endurance and to reduce the risk of injury. If you’re new to running, try alternating between walking and jogging to begin with, then gradually increase the amount of time you spend running. If you’re a more experienced runner looking to go further, add a little extra distance each week to give your body a chance to get used to the challenge.
    5. Rest and recover: Whether you’re new to running or you’re keen to increase your mileage, it is important to give your body time to recover from each run. This allows your muscles to repair and strengthen, enabling you to run more efficiently next time. It also helps to reduce the risk of injury.
    6. Listen to your body: Pay attention to any signs of injury and adjust your training accordingly. If something is starting to niggle, get it checked by a medical professional before it develops into anything more serious.

    Ask the experts

    Before embarking any new exercise regime, it’s best to speak to your GP. And any injuries should be flagged up and checked out right away to prevent them from getting worse.

    For further advice on how you can achieve a healthier lifestyle, book an appointment at YourGP. You can choose a date and time that suits you via our simple online booking system, or you can email Alternatively, you call us on 0131 225 5656, or arrange a call back via our website.



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