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In recent years, we as a society have become so much more open when it comes to discussing health issues. Awareness campaigns such as Movember have worked wonders in helping to shine a light on topics that were previously strictly taboo. However, the issue of erectile dysfunction still appears to be an absolute no-go topic […]
Diabetes is at an all-time high. According to the charity, Diabetes UK, it’s estimated that more than 5.6 million people in the UK are living with diabetes. Of these, a staggering 1.2 million people are currently living with type 2 diabetes but are yet to be diagnosed. This is an alarming figure because without the […]
What do Pamela Anderson, Benedict Cumberbatch, Billie Eilish and Venus and Serena Williams all have in common? The answer is they all follow a vegan diet. Over the last 20 years, Dr Phimister has seen a steady increase in the number of patients going vegan. So, if you’re curious about this plant-based diet, got questions […]
The menopause is a time of many changes for women. Hot flushes, mood swings and difficulty sleeping can be a lot to contend with. But whilst many women have great success keeping these common symptoms under control with treatments such as HRT, there is another symptom of the menopause that some women still feel troubled […]
Aesthetic Treatments in Edinburgh Navigating the world of aesthetic treatments can often feel overwhelming. With numerous options available, how do you choose the right one for you? At YourGP in Edinburgh, we’re dedicated to making this journey as smooth as possible. Our complimentary initial consultations provide you with the opportunity to discuss your aesthetic goals […]
You’ve had a stressful day at work so you decide to skip the gym, order a takeaway and pour yourself a large glass or two of red. We’ve all been there. And there’s nothing wrong with taking the night off and treating yourself once in a while. However, when it becomes a regular habit, it’s […]
Condom adverts typically feature young couples. And that’s because most of us associate healthy, happy sexual relationships with younger adults. But the truth is there is no upper limit on when people stop having sex. A big percentage of people continue to have a fulfilling sex life well into their later years. So why as […]
According to The Migraine Trust, it is estimated that around 10 million adults in the UK are affected by migraines. That’s 10 million people whose lives are regularly disrupted by severe and debilitating headaches as well as a host of accompanying symptoms. And despite being the third most common health condition in the world – […]