February is National Heart Month, the British Heart Foundation’s annual campaign to raise awareness of heart diseases. In the UK, there are seven million people living with cardiovascular disease, which includes all the diseases of the heart and circulation, such as coronary heart disease, the UK’s biggest killer. According to The Heart Research Institute, there […]
Last week, we published a blog post about how we are helping to prevent and raise awareness of cervical cancer. In this blog post, we will explain the types of services that we provide to help prevent and treat other cancers, including skin, prostate and testicular cancer. If you’re wondering why we’re talking so much […]
This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, a UK-wide initiative led by Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust to raise awareness of cervical cancer – and we are doing our bit to help at YourGP. Every day in the UK, eight women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and three women lose their lives to the disease. But the […]
Do you have stubborn wrinkles that you can’t get rid of? Is the dreaded force of gravity pulling your body further and further south? If so, keep your chin up (literally) with our brand new Lift-Shape radiofrequency treatment. YourGP is delighted to be the first clinic in Scotland to invest in Lift-Shape – a skin-tightening […]
Nothing beats a homemade supper on a cold, winter evening, so why not take your mind off the weather with a warming, winter stew? With your Christmas leftovers now devoured, we asked fully trained nutritional therapist, Anne Cross, for an alternative winter recipe. Anne, who offers nutritional therapy at YourGP in Edinburgh, has plumped for a […]
Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered who it was looking back at you? It can be hard to come to terms with, but as we age, our face changes shape, condition and composition (some sagging here, a droop there, lines from expressions you didn’t know you had ever made…). Blame gravity, or […]
When you arrive at our private medical practice in Edinburgh, our attentive reception staff are always on hand with a smile on their face and a cup of tea or coffee in their hands. One member of our highly professional reception staff is Emma McKay, whose friendly and welcoming personality provides a warm and inviting […]
Men’s health campaign, Movember, has become increasingly popular in recent years for raising awareness of men’s cancers, but this year, the campaign is also tackling mental health. As the Movember website explains, mental health problems in men can often go undetected or untreated because men are often too embarrassed to admit that they are upset, […]
Life can be fast-paced and full of stress at the best of times. With Christmas and New Year fast approaching, we can often feel like things are getting on top of us. Anne Cross, who offers nutrition therapy at YourGP in Edinburgh, knows it’s not only your body you need to nourish, but also your […]