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One of the best ways to take control of your health and wellbeing is to learn more about what’s really going on inside. By arming yourself with all the facts, you empower yourself to make healthy choices. So, we asked YourGP’s Dr Phimister to cut through the medical terminology and jargon to provide an overview […]
Don’t forget, the clocks go forward at the end of March so we all lose an hour of sleep! The idea behind Daylight Savings Time is that we effectively ‘borrow’ an hour from the morning in summertime so we can enjoy brighter hours in the evening. However, for many people, this change can throw them […]
You may remember last summer we launched our brand new online booking service which allows patients to book an appointment with one of our experienced GPs at the click of a button. At the time of launching, not all of our services were available to book via our online system. However, we are pleased to […]
Big plans for Valentine’s Day this year? Perhaps dinner and a date, or maybe even a romantic trip away? It’s only natural that you’ll want to look your best, and for this reason, some of you may be considering a cosmetic treatment for the first time. However, before you book an appointment, it’s best to […]
For many people, chronic pain can negatively impact not just their mobility but also their mood. In fact, living with persistent pain can be both physically and mentally exhausting. So, we spoke to YourGP’s Dr Phimister about the most common areas of pain and the best ways to deal with it. Here he talks openly […]
Despite it being such an important topic, as a nation we are still fairly reserved when it comes to talking about contraception. However, YourGP’s Dr Cathrow is here to break down those barriers, talk openly about all available options, and delve into the pros and cons of each method. Read on to discover how you […]
We recently welcomed Dr Phimister to the practice – a highly experienced GP who is already proving himself to be a genuine asset to the team. Dr Phimister practices what he preaches – he is committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and he has just finished writing his third book which he hopes will inspire […]
After the excess of the festive period, the New Year is traditionally a time to make a fresh start in terms of health and wellbeing. But whilst many of you will kick off January with the best of intentions, we understand that a few weeks down the line your motivation may be starting to wane. […]
We recently welcomed back Dr Harwell from Maternity Leave so no doubt many of you will be delighted to see her familiar face at YourGP in the coming weeks. We caught up with her to find out how she is settling back into her GP duties and what things have changed since she was last […]