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The team at YourGP hope you have a happy and healthy Christmas! To that end, here’s a timely reminder of some potential health hazards to be mindful of during the festive season. And if you need us at all, you can call, email or book online and we’ll be happy to see you at short […]
Christmas is traditionally a time for indulgence, but without wanting to sound like too much of a Scrooge – do we need to rein things in a little? The boozy breakfast, snacking on selection boxes, tucking into a turkey dinner with all the trimmings… the result is that the average man more than doubles his […]
How much time does the average UK woman spend getting ready for a Christmas night out? The answer is apparently 5 hours and 38 minutes*. That’s a lot of preening and pampering! And it’s easy to understand why – everyone wants to look their absolute best for party season. But what if you could cut […]
It’s the classic Christmas conundrum – what do you buy someone who seemingly has everything already? If you’re lacking inspiration and dreading battling it out with other desperate shoppers on Princes Street this month, don’t worry – we have the perfect suggestion. Forget the novelty socks, unwanted gadgets and planet-polluting plastic tat – they’ll only […]
Here at YourGP, we aim to make our services as accessible as possible. In addition to our Dean Village practice, this year we opened a brand new practice right in the heart of Edinburgh’s New Town to make it even easier for city centre residents and those who work in the capital to attend appointments. […]
It’s only natural that when winter approaches, many of us feel like hiding away indoors and hibernating. For many people, as the sunshine disappears, so too does their energy. However, as the health experts at YourGP explain, you don’t have to endure months of ‘winter tiredness’. Instead, you can take a simple test to find […]
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK. In fact, according to Cancer Research UK, more than 52,000 men in the UK are diagnosed with it every year. And whilst 78% of men will survive prostate cancer for 10 or more years, sadly it kills just over 12,000 men per year. […]