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Don’t let moles, cysts or skin tags dictate what you can and can’t wear. Despite being fairly common, we understand what an impact they can have on some people’s confidence, with many resorting to covering them up with clothing or make-up. We also know what a worry it can be when lumps and bumps appear or change unexpectedly. And that’s why we offer short-notice appointments, thorough examinations, and a quick removal service right here at the practice.
Skin tags may be completely harmless, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a nuisance for some people. They are small, soft, skin-coloured growths that commonly appear on the neck, armpits, around the groin or under the breasts. They are benign, they don’t cause any pain, nor are they contagious. However, they can cause irritation for some people if they get caught on jewellery or zips. So for this reason, many people choose to have them removed.
Here at YourGP, we can remove them safely and effectively using cryotherapy. This involves freezing the area which kills the cells within the skin tag, blocking the blood supply and causing it to eventually drop off. The whole process is over within just a few minutes, although it is worth noting that larger skin tags may require more than one treatment session.
It usually takes 7-10 days for the skin to heal completely after a cryotherapy treatment. To help with the healing, we advise the following:
Most moles are completely harmless. That said, it is important to be familiar with the look and feel of your moles, be aware of any changes and report them immediately. That’s because cancerous mole (melanomas) can grow rapidly if left untreated.
Check your body regularly and familiarise yourself with the potential warning signs of higher risk moles which are:
If you notice any of these changes, book an appointment at YourGP right away. Here, the doctor will examine the mole and advise if further tests are required.
If the doctor is confident that the mole is benign, you can carry on as usual, safe in the knowledge that there is nothing to worry about. However, if the appearance of the mole bothers you, you can choose to have it removed at YourGP. The process is safe, quick and effective and, depending on the size of the mole, your skin could be completely healed within just two weeks.
Cysts, lumps and bumps can pop up unexpectedly. Some come and go of their own accord. They’re often nothing to worry about, but you can’t be absolutely sure of that unless you get them checked out by a medical professional.
If you spot something unusual, book an appointment right away. Important changes to look out for include:
To give yourself the best chance of catching something unusual as early as possible, it’s important that you get into the habit of checking yourself regularly. Stand in front of the mirror so you can check visually and use your hands to feel for any lumps or bumps under the skin.
Whatever your concern – whether it’s a skin tag that you’d like removed for cosmetic reasons, or a lump you’d like checked out by a medical professional – book an appointment at YourGP using our simple online booking system, email, or call us on 0131 225 5656 and we’ll be happy to arrange an appointment at a time that suits you.
Your customer care which is extremely friendly, relaxed and professional has made all my visits easy and comfortable. Many thanks for your care and understanding in what for me was a difficult time.