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When the whole family is looking forward to Christmas, the last thing you want is for a loved one to miss out on the big day due to illness, especially if they come down with something as serious as the flu. There is, however, something relatively simple you can do to safeguard your family (and your festive celebrations!); get the flu vaccination. And this year there is even more reason to consider this option – the spread of the so-called ‘Aussie’ flu.
If you’ve ever experienced the flu, you’ll know all too well just how physically draining it can be, with a sore throat, cough, fever, headache and muscle pains all taking their toll. Aussie flu, however, is even worse. It can last much longer than the normal flu, and in some cases, it can lead to serious respiratory problems such as pneumonia.
Aussie flu, a strain of the flu virus mutated from the H3N2 strain, first hit the headlines back in 2017 when an epidemic swept across Australia. Unfortunately, this strain is still causing widespread problems and this year alone more than 200,000 Australians have been affected. These unusually high figures give us a good indication that we’re unfortunately set for a particularly bad flu season here in the UK too.
The consequences of a similar epidemic in the UK could have far-reaching consequences, not just on individuals and families, but on businesses too. The flu is highly contagious and can be passed on through coughing, sneezing, and touching infected surfaces, meaning it can quickly spread amongst staff, inevitably increasing absence levels and having a detrimental effect on overall productivity.
The best way to protect yourself from the flu is to get vaccinated, and this is especially important if you’re vulnerable to complications, for example if you are asthmatic, diabetic or over 65. It is also important to note that the most common strain of the flu virus changes every year, so it is essential you’re vaccinated annually.
If you haven’t been vaccinated this year, there is still time. YourGP offers appointments at our Edinburgh practice with a fully trained nurse for just £21.50 per person. We can also visit your place of work within Edinburgh and the surrounding areas to carry out multiple staff vaccinations, starting from just £15.00 per person.
The flu vaccine is only available whilst stocks last so if you’re interested in protecting yourself, your family, and / or your employees, click here for further information about our services for individual patients, or click here for our corporate offering.
Alternatively you can email or call 0131 225 5656 to book an appointment.
I was warmly greeted by staff with genuine smiles. The staff made me feel very comfortable and engaged me in conversation about several topics which made waiting pass very pleasantly. I noticed they were proactive in making each person who arrived feel welcome, including the courier.