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    Private GP Services & Occupational Healthcare in Edinburgh, UK.

    Does your company culture appeal to discerning jobhunters?

    Does your company culture appeal to discerning jobhunters?

    Posted on June 26th, 2022

    The pandemic highlighted the issue of job satisfaction like never before. During this time, many employees assessed what really mattered to them – whether that be salary, working conditions, or flexibility. As a result, businesses right across the world witnessed ‘The Great Resignation’ – when large numbers of employees quit their job.

    So what matters most to jobhunters in a post-pandemic world and how do employers ensure prospective employees will go on to be happy, fulfilled and productive in their workplace? The Occupational Healthcare experts at YourGP believe it comes down to company culture and a fundamental commitment to caring for each employee. Here’s why…

    Money talks
    Top of many jobhunters’ wishlist is a decent salary, but this is certainly not the be all and end all. Today, savvy jobhunters are looking for added extras that speak volumes about a company’s values and culture. These include a bonus scheme, decent holiday allowance, or professional development opportunities. Or they could indicate a company’s ethical or environmental stance, such as a cycle to work incentive.

    An attractive Occupational Healthcare package can be a huge pull. They give potential employees real peace of mind that their new workplace genuinely cares about their health and wellbeing, and has proactive practices in place to protect and promote it.

    A warm welcome
    Company culture can play a vital role in determining what applicants will be attracted to a role at your business. It’s not just about birthday cake in the boardroom or after-work drinks on a Friday. Many employees now rate a progressive culture of openness and inclusion as being vitally important.

    Working with a Occupational Healthcare specialist can ensure all areas of your business are genuinely inclusive. They can highlight where change is required to accommodate those with additional needs, and they can help break down barriers when it comes to mental health.

    Flexibility first
    The desire to achieve a better work / life balance is another top priority which was brought to the fore during the pandemic. Working from home or working can be hugely beneficial for employees and employers alike. Whilst for many businesses this is a still a relatively new approach to working, an Occupational Healthcare expert can offer assistance to ensure out of sight does not mean out of mind – and that all employers receive the same help and support, whether they are working in the office or from home.

    The whole package
    Jobhunters today are a lot more discerning about the type of company they wish to work for. It’s not just about a decent salary or an impressive title. If you would like help and advice from YourGP’s team of Occupational Healthcare experts about creating a supportive culture for all employees, make an appointment by calling 0131 225 5656 or email


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    0131 623 4342 |

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