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    Private GP Services & Occupational Healthcare in Edinburgh, UK.

    Appointments now available at YourGP

    Appointments now available at YourGP

    Posted on June 9th, 2020

    There’s no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge effect on the lives of everyone, and of course that includes every one of our patients and team members here at YourGP. So firstly, we would like to thank you all for doing your bit and playing such a vital role in controlling the spread of the virus by staying at home and following government advice.

    Although we still have a long way to go before we can return to normal, the good news is that significant progress has been made and YourGP is now open once again, albeit with several important restrictions in place.

    Can I now get an appointment at YourGP?

    Yes, we are now able to offer face-to-face appointments at the practice, as well as remote consultations, either via video or telephone. However, it is important to note that anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should not attend the practice.

    What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

    The government has provided updated information in recent weeks and the key symptoms of COVID-19 to look out for now include:

    • High temperature
    • New, continuous cough
    • Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

    Most people with COVID-19 will experience at least one of these symptoms.

    What should I do if I suspect I have COVID-19?

    If you are experiencing symptoms, it is vital that you do not visit the YourGP practice as this may put others at risk. Instead, it is essential you do the following:

    • Contact NHS 24 immediately by calling 111. They will tell you what to do and help you get a test if you need one
    • Self-isolate for 7 days from when your symptoms started
    • Anyone who does not have symptoms must self-isolate for 14 days from when the first person in your home started having symptoms

    What can I now expect from an appointment at YourGP?

    Despite the fact we are currently operating with a reduced number of staff, you can of course still expect the same exceptional levels of care at YourGP. Things may however look a little different:

    • When booking an appointment, whenever possible, please contact us via email at During opening hours, we endeavour to respond to all emails within 2 hours. Alternatively, you can still contact us on 0131 225 5656 and leave a voicemail, which again we will aim to respond to within 2 hours
    • We ask that all patients attend appointments on their own. If this is not possible, please let us now in advance to ensure we can accommodate you
    • Upon arrival, you will be provided with hand sanitiser
    • We ask all patients to wear a mask
    • All staff will also be wearing masks
    • We have social distancing measures in place
    • We are staggering appointments to avoid more than one patient waiting at a time
    • To minimise your time in the clinic and to reduce contact, we ask that payment is made in full at the time of booking

    If you would like further information about appointments at YourGP, please email and we will be happy to help.

    I just want to thank you for listening to me. When you are visiting the UK it can be worrying when you are unwell. You put me at ease and gave me the medical attention I needed.


    YourGP is regulated by Healthcare Improvement Scotland – the regulator for independent healthcare services across Scotland. Healthcare Improvement Scotland accepts complaints at any time. Contact them at:

    Independent Healthcare Team
    Gyle Square | 1 South Gyle Crescent | Edinburgh | EH12 9EB
    0131 623 4342 |

    YourGP is registered with the Joint Council of Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP) Registered Office: Station Road, North Street, Havant PO9 1QU.