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So many people start the New Year with the best intentions, but if those New Year’s resolutions involve a radical overhaul of your lifestyle, it can often be unsustainable to keep them going beyond the first few weeks. Which probably explains why only 8% of people who have made a New Year’s resolution were able to meet their goal, according to a study from the University of Scranton. That’s why here at YourGP, we advocate making smaller, more realistic changes. Read on for our top 10 suggestions and see how many you can achieve this year.
Choose a clean diet free of processed foods, low in carbs, low in sugar, high in vegetables and high in healthy fats. It’s perfectly ok to treat yourself to a takeaway or an indulgent pudding every now and again – in fact, the idea of being able to enjoy a little treat at the weekend can be enough to motivate some people to eat healthier throughout the week.
Aim to drink 2L of filtered water daily to enjoy a multitude of benefits including better digestion, increased concentration and improved skin health. If 2L of water doesn’t sound too interesting, mix it up by adding a little lemon, mint or cucumber each time.
Try to get eight hours per night to give your body the opportunity to repair and re-energise. Set yourself a bedtime and stick to it by switching off your phone to avoid any late-night distractions.
Exercising five days per week is a great way to keep your fitness levels up, helping to protect your heart and strengthen your muscles and bones. Start small with a walk around the block on your lunchbreak, then gradually increase the distance or up your pace.
If you choose to drink, make sure you keep to sensible limits. Ideally, aim for under 10 units per week. If this is one New Year’s resolution you think you’ll struggle with on a night out, alternate with alcohol-free beer, wine or mocktails – there are so many options widely available now.
Limit coffee to 2-3 cups daily. Instead, opt for black or green teas and have around 2-3 cups per day.
The long-term damage that smoking does is well documented, but improvements can be made as soon as you quit. If the prospect of going cold-turkey is too daunting, ask your GP about vaping, nicotine patches or smoking cessation support sessions.
Be aware of how much time you are spending on your computer and remember to take regular breaks away from your screen. If you find yourself mindlessly scrolling on your phone in the evenings, plug it into a charger in another room while you occupy yourself with something else to help break the cycle.
Enjoy the great outdoors, fill up on fresh air and up your vitamin D levels – it’ll improve your health by relieving stress, lifting your mood and lowering your blood pressure. Start by enjoy your morning cuppa outside in the sunshine, take a walk around the park after work, or head off on a weekend adventure in the wild!
When enjoying the great outdoors, don’t forget your sunscreen. Remember, the sun can damage your skin, even on grey cloudy days, so apply it daily all year round. To ensure you don’t forget, keep a bottle in your bag.
If you’d like you’d like to talk to a health expert about making New Year’s resolutions that are realistic and long-lasting, book an appointment at YourGP. They may recommend undergoing a health assessment to gauge where you’re currently at and work with you to set achievable goals that will make a real difference to your health.
To book your appointment, use our simple online booking system. Or you can email, or call us on 0131 381 0322 and we’ll be happy to arrange an appointment at a time that suits you.
Your customer care which is extremely friendly, relaxed and professional has made all my visits easy and comfortable. Many thanks for your care and understanding in what for me was a difficult time.