Appointment Request
You can use this form to request an appointment.
Once received, we will check the form details and confirm appointment times with you.
We cannot guarantee an appointment without confirmation.
Preferred date*
Preferred clinic* No PreferenceDean VillageDundas Street
Preferred time* MorningAfternoonEvening
Appointment Details*
Title —Please choose an option—MrMrsMissMsDrPrefer not to say
First Name*
Email address*
Phone number
Preferred method of contact* EmailPhone
(This is how we will confirm your appointment time)
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Private GP Services & Occupational Healthcare in Edinburgh, UK.
We were saddened to hear of the recent death of, actor and comedian, Robin Williams. Known throughout the World as someone who brought laughter and joy to his audiences it was perhaps a little more shocking to learn of his long term battle with severe depression. What Is Depression? ‘Depression may be described as feeling […]