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A new poll by Ipsos found that 40% of Britons thought there was not enough time to raise all their health concerns in 10-minute GP appointment. It’s a worrying response and begs the question – what health concerns are being missed because of this restricted time slot? A representative sample of the population consisting of […]
Incontinence, erectile dysfunction and STIs – what is your reaction when issues like this are brought up in conversation? No doubt many of you might feel a little uncomfortable, but it’s time to tackle that embarrassment. Because talking openly about these health concerns is the best way to end the stigma and enable more people […]
Dr Cathrow is YourGP’s Clinic Lead and has extensive experience as a GP. Her range of qualifications is impressive – you need only look at the ream of postnominals after her name – FRCGP, BSc (Hons), MBChB (Edinburgh, 2004), DRCOG, DFSRH, LoC (Coils and Implants), DGM, DPD, DCH, MScPD, CMA, PGDip Aesthetic Injectables, Honorary Clinical […]
More than 50,000 students choose Edinburgh as the place to knuckle down and pursue their further education goals. It’s also the place they choose to experience life away from home for the first time, explore their newfound freedom, party, and get up to all sorts of things that most parents would rather not think about! […]
It’s known as the “silent killer”. A common condition that often doesn’t display any symptoms at all. Until it’s too late. And according to research by the British Heart Foundation, four million people in the UK are currently living with it untreated. We’re talking about high blood pressure, also known as hypertension; a condition that […]
YourGP’s Dr Turnbull is a big fan of keeping fit – from cycling and running, to weightlifting, squash and skiing. So he knows firsthand how frustrating it can be when a sports injury stops play. However, he also knows just how transformative a steroid injection can be in terms of settling inflammation, reducing pain, and […]
Beauty trends come and go. For a long time plump lips, full cheeks, a strong jawline and contoured features were top of many people’s wish-lists, and there are plenty of examples of celebrities who turned to aesthetic treatments such as fillers to achieve this look. There are also plenty of examples of celebrities who, by […]